Tuesday, 31 May 2011

My American Frenchy Toast

This is my “classic” version of French toast. I don’t really think it’s so much about how to make it, other than the bread that’s used. You use the wrong type of bread and it is just a soggy mess on a plate. The bread I recommend here in London is Tesco crusty white bloomer. For Americans a French loaf would work perfectly as well. You can gauge how to cut the recipe down for a smaller amount of people, but my recipe feeds 4. Alright here goes.

1 crusty bloomer
2-3 c milk (300mls) you can also use soy milk
½ tsp. cinnamon
1 tbsp. pure vanilla (the good stuff)
3 eggs
3-4 tbsp. brown sugar
If you're making a hangover breakfast add a shot or two of Bailey's
Your favourite syrup

To start:
Cut the loaf of bread in 1 inch slices or however thick you prefer. Set aside.

Combine all other ingredients in a shallow baking dish with good surface area to soak the bread.
Mix thoroughly and get all the sugar and cinnamon incorporated well to make the custard.
Then, dip the bread slices in the mixture and press down, flipping once, to ensure a good soak.

Heat a pan with a little oil or cooking spray until visibly hot. Lay each slice of bread down in the pan as many pieces as it holds and fry till you have a good crisp on one side and flip only once.
Keep in a warm oven while the others are cooking, and voila you’ve made French toast.
Drizzle with your favourite syrup. My favorite is New York or Canadian Maple Syrup!


  1. Wow that looks absolutely delicious! And mine IS always soggy, now I know why!

  2. Hehehe! The trick is to follow Gina :)
