Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Cous Cous Stuffed Peppers

I love peppers, who doesn’t love peppers? I have to say they’re one of the most versatile and nutritious ingredients that I use in almost every dish that I make. With one red pepper containing loads of vitamins along with your daily requirement of vitamin c they’re something more people should consider using, unless of course you’re allergic. The peppers along with tomatoes belong to a family called the nightshades. They’re known to cause some uncomfortable side effects and some people stay away from this class of vegetable. But if you try this recipe it would make an excellent starter, side dish, or even a main meal with a salad.

3-4 Peppers varying in colour
1 c whole wheat cous cous (non-whole wheat is fine)
2 c vegetable stock
1 celery stalk
Half onion
2 cloves garlic
1 Can chopped tomatoes
Handful Mozzarella for melting on the top (use as much as you prefer)
½ tsp. oregano
½ tsp. basil
½ tsp. red chili flakes
½ c fresh flat leaf parsley
Pinch Saffron (optional)
5-6 pieces of sun dried tomato (optional)

To Start:
Dice: celery, onion, garlic, parsley, sun dried tomato. Set aside.
Make the stock.

In a bowl place the cous cous and all the diced vegetables on top including the saffron.
Pour the hot stock over the cous cous and cover tightly with cling film. Let this sit untouched for 10-15 minutes.

To Finish:
In a baking dish, arrange your peppers. I like to cut them in quarters because they can be quite big.
When the cous cous is done remove the cling film and carefully scoop into pepper shells.
When the peppers are completely full and the cous cous is gone, pour the chopped tomatoes all over the top.
Sprinkle with the oregano and basil, top with the mozzarella.
Cover tightly with foil and bake at 200C (400F) for about 45 minutes or until they’re softly roasted.
You can opt to take off the foil the last few minutes of baking and get a nice colour on the mozzarella.

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