Monday, 11 July 2011

Easy Ceviche

Ceviche is something that associates its origin with Latin cuisine but has lent a helping hand to a lot of different occasions. Ceviche traditionally is made by cooking raw fish by citrus fruit; lemons, limes, oranges. I tend to make mine with pre-cooked shrimp, squid, or whatever I have, takes out some of the risk. Ceviche is excellent and makes a great starter or a great addition to a table of nibbles at a party. There are a few basic methods of whipping up one, and a variety of versatile ingredients to add. It’s good fun, low in fats, and just a good addition to a your normal chips and dips snack session or as a posh starter to a meal. This recipe can serve 4 as a starter, or several more as on a table. Remember, nothing has to be exact; it’s all about how you like it. So season, and add as little or as much as you want of any ingredient.

250g pre-cooked prawns/shrimp ( ½ lb.)
1 large hass avocado
2 juicy limes (we want about ¼ c liquid)
1 lemon
6-10 cherry tomatoes
2 handfuls of coriander
Quarter of red pepper
Half red onion

To Start/Finish:
Dice onion, red pepper, coriander, tomatoes and avocado and add to a large bowl.
Dice the prawns a little to stretch them out, add to bowl.
Add citrus to bowl.
Season with salt to your liking.
Serve with tortilla chips and enjoy!

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